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Switch from Wordpress and Drupal to a Modern Stack with StackShift

clock-iconJuly 15, 2023

Monolithic systems, headless, MACH, composable CMS, OMG! The past couple of years have seen a resurgence of spending by brands, big and small, in digital-experience technologies.

Factors such as the COVID pandemic and market unpredictability have motivated brands to enhance the worth of their digital assets. Their primary focus has been on improving agility, flexibility, and performance while overcoming the delays associated with their current technologies.

The Pros and Cons of Using WordPress or Drupal for a Modern Digital Experience Platform

When it comes to digital experiences, the choice of platform holds significant importance as it directly influences the usability, functionality, and scalability of your digital content. WordPress and Drupal have gained considerable attention due to their versatile capabilities in this regard.

Selecting between these two options can be a daunting task, considering their respective strengths and features. To provide clarity, here's an unbiased comparison that delves into the capability's data, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your specific requirements and objectives.

WordPress Pros:

1. User-friendly: WordPress is touted for its ease of use. It has a simple and intuitive interface that helps users publish content seamlessly. For businesses aiming for quick deployment, WordPress stands as an obvious choice.

2. Extensive Themes and Plug-ins: WordPress offers a wide range of themes and plug-ins, allowing users to personalize their sites without extensive coding skills. It allows a high degree of customization and functionality augmentation.

3. Strong Community and Support: WordPress boasts a large, active community. This makes finding solutions to issues relatively easy, and its extensive documentation and forums are incredibly helpful resources for users at any level of expertise.

WordPress Cons:

1. Security Concerns: Due to its widespread usage, WordPress often becomes a prime target for hackers. While WordPress diligently releases software updates to address security vulnerabilities, the vast array of third-party plugins can potentially expose data and create points of weakness.

2. Scalability Issues: WordPress might encounter performance issues as the traffic to your site increases. For websites expecting high traffic, this can pose a significant challenge.

3. Limited Design Options: Despite the extensive array of themes, if you want a more custom and interactive design, WordPress might fall short. You may need to hire a WordPress specialist or learn advanced coding skills.

Drupal Pros:

1. Flexibility and Scalability: Drupal shines in handling complex content and delivering a responsive experience regardless of traffic volume. It's a reliable choice for high-traffic websites and those expecting rapid growth.

2. Advanced Customization: With Drupal, you can control every aspect of your website. It provides robust tools for creating a unique and interactive user experience tailored exactly to your requirements.

3. Security: Drupal is renowned for its strong security measures, which is a leading reason why it's the chosen platform for many government institutions and large corporations.

Drupal Cons:

1. Complexity: The Drupal platform involves a steep learning curve, unlike WordPress. The more complex interface makes it less suitable for beginners or those unfamiliar with web development.

2. Limited Theme and Plugin Support: Drupal has fewer modules and themes when compared to WordPress, which limits its out-of-the-box customization options.

3. Community and Support: Although Drupal has a supportive community, it’s smaller and less active than WordPress's community. Finding solutions to issues or accessing extensive documentation can be a bit harder.

While acknowledging the pros and cons of using WordPress or Drupal, it's essential to acknowledge the rise of a noteworthy alternative: the adoption of a composable CMS as a versatile and adaptable solution, over the conventional monolithic architecture.

This innovative architecture offers a flexible and modular approach to content management, enabling organizations to adapt and scale their digital experiences efficiently.

By adopting this composable solution, businesses gain the ability to optimize their content management processes, enabling them to enhance and customize digital experiences according to the ever-changing requirements of the digital landscape.

What are More Modern Approaches for Digital Experiences


In the era of digital transformation, where traditional marketing approaches are being challenged, there is a growing demand for robust, scalable, and user-friendly platforms that can facilitate meaningful engagement.

As organizations strive to navigate this transformed landscape, it becomes crucial to explore architectures that align with the requirements of a modern digital experience. Let us identify the most suitable architectures, particularly for organizations seeking to transition from monolithic systems and embrace the opportunities brought forth by the microservices architecture market.

1. Decoupled Architecture:

Decoupled architectures come with a buffet of advantages - power, performance flexibility, and user experience top the list. By decoupling the front and backend systems, developers can choose the best technology for each layer independently.

Updates and changes can be done without disrupting the entire system. JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js perfectly complement this architecture, further enhancing frontend delivery.

2. Microservices Architecture:

Microservices architecture offers a means to depart from a monolithic system, which involves breaking down extensive applications into loosely connected and smaller services. Each of these services, known as microservices, can be individually developed, deployed, and scaled.

This approach substantially reduces complexities, facilitating swift scalability and agile development practices.

3. Cloud-native Architecture:

Cloud-native architectures are designed to capitalize on cloud computing frameworks. They promote flexibility and scalability, supporting rapid adaptation to market changes while ensuring reliability and efficiency.

With features like microservices, APIs, and containerization, cloud-native architecture simplifies development, testing, and deployment processes, enabling faster and more reliable delivery of applications.

4. Headless Architecture:

Headless architectures allow frontend presentation layers (the “head”) to work independently from the backend content repository. This decoupling enables content to be presented consistently across different devices and platforms, improving content delivery and user experience.

This setup is especially beneficial for businesses serving content on various digital channels like websites, mobile applications, IoT devices, etc.

5. API-based Architecture:

Within an API-based architecture, the utilization of APIs plays a crucial role in facilitating the exchange of data and functionality across different components or even disparate systems. This approach offers remarkable flexibility, interoperability, and scalability by establishing seamless data access connections between diverse systems and services.

6. Serverless Architecture:

In a serverless architecture, the focus is not on server management but rather on the development and running of applications. This simplifies operations and could potentially lower costs as companies only pay for the computing power they use. Combined with scalability, availability, and execution speed benefits, serverless architecture is a great fit for agile, modern digital businesses.

7. Progressive Web App (PWA) Architecture:

PWAs combine the best of web and mobile applications, delivering a high-quality user experience. They are generally faster, more reliable, and more engaging than traditional mobile web applications. PWA architecture allows users to access the application even in poor internet conditions and provides a seamless, app-like experience.

The selection of architecture is highly influenced by the business requirements, technical capabilities, and the chosen tech stack, making it crucial for deploying a modern digital experience that aligns with the enterprise's goals. Choosing the right architecture is paramount as it forms the foundation for implementing and executing the business logic, enabling organizations to gain a strategic advantage in the fiercely competitive digital arena.

Transforming UX: Transitioning from a Monolithic System to a Composable Architecture

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, a switch from monolithic to modern stack has become vital for organizations aiming to enhance their user experience (UX). This eight-step framework provides organizations with a clear roadmap to navigate the complexities of modernizing their technology infrastructure while prioritizing UX optimization to achieve a smooth transition.

Step 1: Understand the Difference

Grasping the distinction between these two architectures is pivotal, particularly when it comes to handling business logic. Monolithic systems, with their single codebase, provide convenience during initial development, testing, and deployment. However, as time progresses, they tend to grow in complexity and lose flexibility. In contrast, microservices architecture divides business capabilities and functionalities into smaller, independently deployable components or services, offering a balance of adaptability and scalability.

Step 2: Analyze the Existing System

Perform a thorough analysis of your existing system. Identify multiple systems that are too entangled or can be isolated without affecting the entire system significantly. This information will help you strategize the transition without disrupting current services.

Step 3: Develop the Transformation Roadmap

Based on the system analysis, create a roadmap. Prioritize transformation based on business impact, feasibility, and organizational readiness. Start with creating a proof of concept to better understand the complexities and challenges before fully committing.

Step 4: Prepare the Infrastructure

In a microservices architecture, a key component of a composable system, it is essential to rely on a resilient and scalable infrastructure. Optimize your system by utilizing cloud services to host your microservices, enabling seamless management, scalability, and monitoring of these components.

Step 5: Organize Cross-Functional Teams

The transformation process involves cross-functional expertise from development, operations, and product management. Form teams with the necessary skills, encourage consistent communication, collaboration, and ensure they understand the end-goal and their roles in it.

Step 6: Modularize the Monolith

Initiate the transition process by modularizing your monolithic application, identifying specific modules or components that can be effectively separated into microservices.

Begin with simpler functionalities and gradually address more complex aspects, ensuring that each phase of the transition aligns with your overarching roadmap.

You can seamlessly evolve towards a more scalable and flexible architecture by establishing clear service boundaries and incrementally breaking down your application.

Step 7: Implement Microservices

Independently develop and test these manageable microservices, each with its own codebase and functionality, distinct from the primary codebase.

Utilize containerization and orchestration tools to proficiently manage and deploy these multiple services, ensuring efficient operations and scalability within your system.

Step 8: Continuous Monitoring and Improvement

After implementing the new architecture, embrace an incremental approach by adopting continuous monitoring and improvement practices. Composable architectures necessitate ongoing analysis and updates to ensure sustained efficiency and optimal performance.

Can a brand migrate in a ONE STEP approach and how can WebriQ help

  1. In essence, WebriQ is a composable stack competence center – we started our journey in 2017 when the stack was not even named properly.

    Netlify and Vercel (Zeit at that time) were tiny, headless CMS was an unknown quantity and Static websites seemed like something from the middle ages. Database-driven monoliths were dominating the industry.

    We started out with Static Site generators, like Roots and Spike, over Gatsby to end up deciding that React frameworks like NextJS were the way to go forward. We started with GIT-based CMS systems and we experimented with Contentful, Strapi, and StackShift UI.

    And finally, we ran projects on Netlify and Vercel to create seamless workflows for the digital assets created within the content management system.
  2. WebriQ has crystallized this experience and expertise into an out-of-the-box solution for composable stack implementations. While it may appear contradictory, this approach empowers organizations to effectively address the migration challenge associated with a legacy system.

    Utilizing our StackShift solution, you can adopt a phased approach to transition smoothly from your legacy system. By starting small, you can gradually adapt and learn the new stack as you progress through the migration process. Get a Sandbox account.
  3. WebriQ's extensive integration expertise enables the seamless connection of different stack components into a cohesive workflow. With this unified workflow, content managers, marketers, editors, and digital marketers can effortlessly oversee and manage the entire process without relying on developers.

    This streamlined approach eliminates the need for extensive developer involvement, making it accessible and manageable for individuals with diverse backgrounds, regardless of their programming language proficiency. To name a few:
    • Native OpenAI API integration with StackShift or any headless content model
    • E-commerce platform integrations with WebriQ Commerce, Bigcommerce, and ECWID
    • Data democratization through Hasura
    • Create Serverless forms and payment forms using AWS and WebriQ Serverless Forms


WebriQ empowers businesses to make a seamless transition from monolithic platforms like WordPress and Drupal to a modern stack, enabling them to optimize their digital experiences. With StackShift, organizations can adopt a composable architecture approach that offers enhanced flexibility and scalability.

Businesses can effectively manage and deploy multiple services by modularizing the monolithic system, implementing microservices, and utilizing containerization and orchestration tools. WebriQ's expertise in integration ensures a cohesive workflow, allowing content managers, marketers, editors, and digital marketers to oversee the entire process without heavy reliance on developers easily.

Additionally, StackShift provides integrations with various platforms, including OpenAI, e-commerce solutions like Bigcommerce and ECWID, and AWS for serverless forms and payment forms. Embrace the power of WebriQ to transform and elevate your digital experiences.

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