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New features WebriQ CMS

clock-iconNovember 13, 2016

A new Markdown Editor

A simple, beautiful, and JavaScript Markdown editor, that can be used by anyone. The WYSIWYG-esque editor allows users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts. In addition, the syntax is rendered while editing to clearly show the expected result. Headings are larger, emphasized words are italicized, links are underlined, etc. WYSIWYG editors that produce HTML are often complex and buggy. Markdown solves this problem in many ways, plus Markdown can be rendered natively on more platforms than HTML. However, Markdown is not a syntax that an average user will be familiar with, nor is it visually clear while editing. In other words, for an unfamiliar user, the syntax they write will make little sense until they click the preview button. The SimpleMDE implementation on our CMS system has been designed to bridge this gap for non-technical users who are less familiar with or just learning Markdown syntax.

Features of the new markdown editor

  • Autosaving – after two minutes of being idle on your browser, your work will be auto saved as a draft article or post
  • Spellchecker – spelling mistakes are highlighted
  • Mobile friendly – a bit difficult to write on a smartphone, but writing and updating your posts through a tablet is surely do-able
  • Multiple preview modes – markdown only, preview only and split markdown/preview
  • markdown guide

Other CMS enhancements

  • Draft articles or posts – all drafts wether it is a new post or a change in an existing post can be saved at all time. The drafts are in a separate Github branch for later publishing.
  • Discard draft – feature to go back to your original published post, discarding all changes made to the post
  • Unpublished – you can un publish existing post. Unpublished posts will be kept in a separate branch for later publishing if required
  • Published – new or existing posts can be published immediately and are put in to the Master branch of your Github account.
  • Further automation is expected to be on the platform in the latter part of this year, with notably calendar functionality, social media auto posting and integration with cloud based storage systems such as Dropbox and Google Drive.

Integration of Google Analytics

You can now integrate Google analytics in to our WebriQ APP. More details can be found on Google Analytics - Help