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Enabling A Powerful Strategy For Mobile Applications

clock-iconDecember 08, 2015

Well, we all are aware of the fact that there was a time when communicating with people at a long distance always ended depending mainly upon the telephonic sessions by accessing a proper location to access signals properly. But all these constaints have changed now since an advent of the new digitized age where high end computers and cellular phones are on the rise. This current digitized era and Mobile technology world have not only changed the way we communicate but also it helps us to stay in touch with distant people by communicating with them via Skype, Chat Messengers, Social Networking Sites and many other such communication wayouts.

If we talk about all the latest technologies that have provided us with immense benefits in various aspects of our life, it proves that these technologies are here to stay and will play an indispensible role in the future as well by acting as a major contributor to global change for people of this world. Starting right from major application development companies, who regularly involve themselves with new inventions, designing and developing different types of applications for their clients and customers which in turn aids them to reach out to a large part of customer based projects with full assurity that a proper connection is being established by them with end users to achieve an optimized result. In order to ensure that your application would be able to communicate to your clients by meeting their expectations, it is of utmost importance that a mobile application development companies are investing in various upcoming applications with highly powerful test strategies which in turn guarantees full success of the application before it is launched.

Steps For Mobile Application Development Companies To Enable A Successful Test Strategy

Developers while designing a successful test strategy documentation for mobile application, it is very much important for them that while developing mobile application software, companies should purely focus on each individual goals instead of simply focusing on designing templates. If you are someone who is dealing with the task of developing various test strategies for mobile application development, then its necessary for you to consider what is best for their specific project plans. Every client needs to co-operate with distinct development requirements and methods and is essential to work with those requirements that serves the best. Considering the below mentioned steps, one can easily create a process of their own test strategies that will lead to a proper functioning of your application:-

Scope & Overview

Scope & Overview deals with analyzing the project along with vital information from user's viewpoint that offers meaningful information. Including details about various reviewers of a specified document as well as the parameters followed on which these documents will be tested thoroughly. Create a detailed list of mobile application features and classify them under pre-condtion, basic flows, alternate flows & post conditions that might have chances to effect your designed mobile application. Here are few steps that offers the details regarding each test process:-

Pre-condition:- Here users have not created an account.

Basic flow:- Users should be able to register themselves by enabling a new Email account upon meeting a successful registration process that is to be sent.

Post-Condition:- User Account information are saved at the backend process.

Various timelines are to be listed where different phases of your project are to be mentioned and tested simultaneously. To follow the testing process of any application, a set of defined pre-condition and action should be taken into consideration with proper input specifications based on basic flow of an application, alternate flows and post conditions.

Test Approach

The basic parameters, various testing levels and the team members along with their roles and duties should be taken into consideration. For each testing process that is defined within the test plan itself such as unit testing, system testing, integration testing, regression testing, installation testing, load testing, performance testing, usability testing and security testing, there should be a detailed description including reasons for which it should be carried out. When it comes to test execution phase, different activities such as adding new defects, defect assignments, re-testing process, regression testing and final test sign-off, all these phases plays an important role for considering various test approaches. Defining a unique step that is needed to be carried out for each activity is considered as a great test approach.

Test Environment

Test Environment processes an outline for all categories of important information about the total number of test environments that are required for each environment. For example, one test environment can be used for validating a functional test team with the concerned team using another test environment. Test environment process defines the number of users that are supported on this particular environment. Secondly, there is need to define an access role for a specified user, hardware requirements as well as software requirements such as operating systems, its overall memory, free disk spaces and number of systems to be used or available.

It is always recommended that before proceeding to an actual test execution phase, its always better to define your specific strategy for backing up and restoring your test documentations to avoid anything that might go wrong.

Testing Tools

This step deals with defining an automation and test management tool that are often needed for executing the tests with proper testing approaches and requisite tools that are included in the document to define various attributes related to its performance, security issues and loading of testing processes. Its always recommended to use latest commercial source and define how many users are supported by it.

Risk Analysis

Defining a clear list of all possible risks that might effect your business is always the best option.

Author Signature: Rick Brown is a developer who has helped companies gain momentum with their small and large scale projects. If you need to hire iPhone app programmer then simply get in touch with Rick via Twitter. He is currently working for Mobiers Ltd., a leading mobile app development company.